Does air quality impact math ability?

Study background:

Mathematical performance in young children has been found to be an indicator of later academic and professional success. The quality of this performance, among other metrics of neurocognitive development, has been found to be negatively affected by poor air quality caused by pollution. This study seeks to understand whether the air quality a child experiences impacts his/her mathematical ability.

What your child will do:

Children (ages 7-10) will be given a low-cost air quality monitor, which he/she will carry for three days. At the end of the third day, children will complete a brief series of age-appropriate mathematical computer games (~1 hr in duration) to assess his/her mathematical ability.

What you (the parent/caregiver) will do

You will keep a simple, digital log of your child’s activities during the time your child has the air quality monitor. You will also complete a baseline survey, which includes questions about your home’s air environment. (Please note that this is a two-session study.)

What your child will do:

Children (ages 7-10) will be given a low-cost air quality monitor, which he/she will carry for three days. At the end of the third day, children will complete a brief series of age-appropriate mathematical computer games (~1 hr in duration) to assess his/her mathematical ability.

To participate

We are currently not recruiting for this study. Thanks for your interest!

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